Now that my sweater is done, I'm moving on to other exciting things. For one, I'm working on a proposal for our machine knitting guild. MKGM = Machine Knitting Guild of Minnesota. Most of us attend the annual Purls of Joy seminar in Minneapolis in the spring. We wanted something for the 2009 seminar to identify ourselves as a group, like some other guilds do. We've tossed around ideas: scarf, vest, sweater, tote, knitted earings, pin, socks... I'm leaning towards the tote idea because it's easy to knit, there aren't any sizing issues, we'd be able to take home our purchases in it, doesn't take much yarn, etc. So with the help of my trusty Designaknit program, I've come up with some variations on a theme.

and finally...

So, one of those would be the front and one of these two would be the back:

Some of these jpgs got a little blurry, but hopefully you get the idea. The joke, such as it is, comes from a conversation one machine knitting member of our group had with a hand knitter. Lest I get into a diatribe about machine knitting vs hand knitting, suffice it to say we like what we do and produce some dandy stuff.
Since we have no obligations today, I'm going to knit up the tote, line it with some interfacing, batting and fabric and see what I think. I'll post a pic or two. Whew! That red gets a little overpowering.
My two favorites are Join Us! (middle right) and then On The Dark Side.
It will make a great bag.
Hey Mar, love the tote bag!! hope you're going to make one for the guest instructor!!!
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