Look what came in my email inbox TODAY from Knitting Daily (Interweave Knits). You can get the free hand knitting pattern by signing in to their website. The pattern has several beautiful examples of their Helix Scarf made from homespun yarn. Most of them are garter stitch, so no worries about the edges curling. They do use short-rows on both sides to make the ruffling effect. I do like the fact that a person wouldn't have to felt the scarf to get it to behave. The over-all effect of the scarf surelooks a lot like mine, though. (I'm not implying anyone copied anyone by any means. Just pointing out the similarities.) I think it looks a lot like sea weed.
But I guess my point is that I still prefer 1 1/2 hours to the days it would take to knit this thing. There are too many things in the world to try to be stuck on one project for that long. Kudos once again to machine knitting!