You may not have heard of this brand, but it's a company that makes adorable and durable kids' toys. Wanted to show what I've cooked up :-) for my 2 yr old grandson for Christmas. This is the kitchen;
It even has an oven, a little timer and a sink. All pretend, of course. I also got some pots and pans, utinsels and wooden food to go with it. Then I made these:
I sewed a 2 year old sized chef's apron out of one of my husband's old shirts... guessed at the shape and size. Then I knitted a cotton hot pad and little dish cloth. My daughter said he's crazy about cooking at his pre-school, so I thought this bunch of stuff would be good. Amazon ships the kitchen for free and I'll put the rest in my suitcase when I fly there for Christmas. Just wanted to show off. I think these things are sooooooooooooo cute. And I hope he loves it all.