Monday, September 30, 2013

2013 Charity Goal Reached

Finished my charity knitting for 2013.  I did 67 items plus one for good luck.  Actually, I did more than that because I lost count at one point.  But, I'll save the extras for next year.  This was a guild challenge----knit the same number of items as you are years old.  I didn't take a picture---forgot.

I checked the number of yards in my cones, added up the number of cones used (16 approx.) and found I had knitted almost 23 miles of yarn.  This doesn't count the mistakes, the waste yarn, the little pieces tossed for one reason or another.   That's a lot of miles, isn't it???  The baby items go to the Minnesota Visiting Nurses and the hats, scarves and mitts go to the Salvation Army.  Someone in the guild mentioned that the SA is giving 70,000 local needy children warm winter duds this year.  Wow! I didn't realize there were so many in need here.  The guild knit an awfully lot of hats, mitts, gloves, and scarves.  Don't know the total yet, but we maybe made a small dent in what is needed.  Lots of other guilds do the same. Hope our gal in charge of collecting the items does take a picture.

Have to admit, doing that many items put me off knitting for a few months.  Am just now getting my mojo back for machine knitting.  Good timing.  Winter is surely not that far off!