Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Baby Snuggle Bag

Not sure what to call this. It's like a sleeping bag for newborns. Cuddle sack? Bunting? If you search on Ravelry, you'll find lots of them. The newborns have their arms inside, older babies have the sack pulled up to their armpits. Anyway, what could be easier to knit? It's just a long rectangle folded and seamed at the sides.

I used a midgauge machine (Silver Reed 860 with ribber), Tension 3 for the stockinette and tension 3/3 for the ribs. I didn't do the rib very tightly because I didn't want it to pull in. The gauge before washing was 5.25 st x 7.75 rows. After laundering 6 st x 8.25 rows. It's Conshohoken 100% cotton. Really soft. I have machine washed and dried it and so it shrank an inch both directions. The finished dimensions are 10.5" wide x 15 inches long with the ribbing folded over 5". No doubt you have different yarn than I have, so if you want to make it, figure out your gauge and calculate so that you have the finished dimensions of approximately 10.5" x 15", good for a newborn. Do about 5" of ribbing, 30" of stockinette and another 5" of ribbing.

For mine, I cast on 63 stitches, knit 36 rows in 1 x 1 rib, changed to stockinette. RC 000, knit to Row 240. Then transferred for rib and knit the 36 rows of ribbing. Seamed, ends worked in and laundered...done.

I think it's probably good for up to 4-5 months before the baby starts to roll around too much. The large ribbing gives some lee-way as far as length is concerned. Might embroider a little something on it to jazz it up a bit. Still have one in the works with sleeves. Need to finish that.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Knit a Baby Rib Warmer

Here's an easy pattern for you to knit. I think I could have done a better job with the pocket, but oh well. Next time.

Machine: Standard Gauge 4.5 mm with ribber or garter carriage
Yarn: Tamm Bebe; three 3/8" buttons needed.
Gauge: at T 7 7 st x 10 r = 1”
Finished size: newborn
Cute boy or girl vest to be worn with a T shirt or onesie and jeans or pants. Super simple to make.

Pocket: Cast on 26 st. At T 7 knit 20 rows. Transfer for 2 x 2 rib. Knit 8 rows. Knit one loose row right to left. Transfer rib stitches to main bed. Chain cast off. Set aside.
Body Back: Reserve a 24" piece of yarn to bind off center neck stitches. Ewrap cast on for 2 x 2 rib (or whatever cast on you like) over 71 stitches. Knit 14 rows T 8/8. Transfer rib stitches to main bed, change to main carriage. I used a large tension so the rib wouldn’t pull in so much. RC 000. Change to T 7, Knit stockinette to RC 42. Bind off 5 stitches. RC 43 bind off 5 stitches. Decrease one stitch full fashioned both sides every 2 rows 6 X. On row 58 with 51 stitches left, transfer for 2 x 2 rib. Knit to RC 77. Transfer 27 center rib stitches to main bed and bind off around the gate pegs with the reserved yarn. Carefully pull the stitches off the gate pegs. Put left side in hold (stitches are still in rib pattern). Knit right strap, still in rib, to RC 82 and bind off these 12 stitches. Return left 12 strap stitches to work. Knit to RC 87. Make two button holes evenly spaced by transferring a rib stitch to main bed. Leave needle in work. Knit 5 more rows. Transfer stitches to main bed and bind off.
Body Front: Reserve a 24" piece of yarn for binding off neck stitches. Knit the same as the back except begin 4 x 4 rib at RC 51. Knit in rib to RC 66. Transfer 27 center st to main bed and bind off as you did the back. Put one strap to hold and knit other strap to RC 82. Bind off. Return other strap to work and knit to RC 82. Bind off.
Sew two small buttons on the strap that matches the tabbed strap. Seam the other shoulder. Mattress stitch the side seams. Steam lightly. I needed to steam flat the front neck rib a little. Sew on the patch pocket. Add a matching button if desired. Run in all yarn ends, of course.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Did you know?

I thought I'd put in a short post about navigating my blog. Someone wrote to me and asked how to find the free patterns on my blog. There are a few ways. One, you could read all the entries (long, but terribly exciting). Click on Older Posts at the bottom of your scren to get back in time. Two, you could scroll down on the right side of the blog and look at the pictures. When you click on one, you're taken to the post that contains the pattern. Three, you can click on the free patterns topic and all of them are put together in a long string. Four, you can do a search in the search box and whatever you are searching for comes up.

I guess that's enough ways, no?

On the baby front, I'm knitting a sleep sac with sleeves. The popular ones these days are just bags ---some fancier than others--made to "swaddle" the baby. I was thinking that all would stay in place better if the sac had arms. I think the old fashioned name for such a thing is "bunting". It's 100% cotton, so I need to wash and preshrink it. Right now it looks like it would fit a 6 month old. I 'spect it will shrink down to newborn size. Lovely soft Conshohocken yarn. Wish they were still in business. Sigh...

Saturday, June 11, 2011

One Little, Two Little, Four Little Baby Hats

Remember that commercial, "Wait 'til I get my Hanes on you!"???? Evidently some people objected to the play on words, clever though it was, so you don't hear it so much anymore. That's the song that kept going through my mind as I was making these baby hats. I found these men's Hanes 100% cotton undershirts, never been worn, still in the pkg in a dresser drawer. So, natchurally, I had to do something with them. I'm really into this repurposing and upcycling thing these days. Washed them to preshrink and went looking for a baby hat pattern on the internet. I found one at and it printed out just the right size. I had a purchased hat to compare to for size and it seemed correct.

These are a size 3-6 months, so I probably will make more at a larger size...maybe. I seem to remember it was difficult keeping a hat on the baby after a while. My kids would always pull them off. I had some small embroidery designs that worked ok. I like this one the best. I don't have a serger, but I found a stretch stitch on my sewing machine that overlocked the edge and looks exactly like a serger stitch to me.
The hats are really soft, stretchy and awfully cute, if I do say so myself.

Now I really need to get out to the garden. The weather has been so unpredictable---103 F 4 days ago and now only 67. Hope I don't freeze.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Link for Cloth Baby Shoes

I found the site where I got the cloth shoes pattern. In case you are interested, it's
I notice that they revised the pattern a tiny bit since I downloaded it. The newer version recommends 2 - 4" pieces of 1/8" elastic. I was close, so maybe they'll fit.

Cloth Shoes - Repurposed Stuff - Done!

Well, I got three pairs out of the deal. They turned out pretty sweet. My only concern is whether the ankle is big enough. The pattern didn't say how long to cut the elastic, so I just guestimated by the picture in the pattern.

Ok, now I really do need to go clean, plant stuff, go grocery shopping!