Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Clothing for children in Nepal

Diana Sullivan, of the wonderful videos on you tube on machine knitting, came upon this call for warm clothing for children of Nepal. It broke my heart seeing the two little boys huddled together trying to sleep in the cold. Our guild already does hats and mittens for the Salvation Army in Minnesota, so I'll continue to contribute to that, but I'd also like to give to this one. In the states there are lots of charitable organizations, but I'm not sure about resources in some of the poorer countries of the world. Here's the link to learn about it:
The request is for all wool items. Would be a great way to use up bits of sock yarn.
Here's my first one that I knit last night:

I'm still getting accustomed to the Silver Reed 860 midgauge, so the hat is made on that machine. Simple pattern---cute and knits up in a jiffy:
Sport yarn, midgauge, T 6. Cast on with waste yarn over 74 N, knit a few rows. Begin with main yarn and knit 15 rows, one row T 8, 16 rows T 6. Hang hem and knit one row T 9 to seal. Return to T 6 and knit 45 rows. Decrease every other st across, knit 3 rows T3. Remove on tapestry needle, gather and sew side seam. Put a pom pom or I cord ties on top. Looks cute with the hem folded up or down. Would also be nice in stripes or a fairisle pattern.
Note that gauge is not so important because it should fit some child. I hope you consider contributing some too.