Monday, June 30, 2008

Sneak Peek

Here's a sneak peek of the edge I plan on doing for the circular baby cardigan. I am almost done with the "good" prototype. I find that I need to do just a few wedges at a time and then walk away for a bit. It's not that it's difficult, but my poor mind wanders and I forget what I'm doing. Hope to be able to post a picture of the finished product tomorrow. If I like how this turns out, I will go to my local LYS and buy some really nice yarn to knit an adult version. Am visualizing some hand painted wool...dark blues, purple, olive. Just what I need, more yarn.
Another gorgeous day here in Minnesota. My only obligation is to take the beast in for her yearly shots. Wish it could be skipped---both for her sake and the pocketbook---but I'd rather be safe than sorry. I'm going to ask why the immunity only lasts one year. Curious. Here's hoping you have a spectacular day!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sunday, June 29, a good day to start

It's my first blog post. Not sure what all it entails, but I'll jump in and test the waters.
On the knitting front, I'm working on constructing a baby circular sweater for the midgauge machine. I'm on "draft" number 3. The first was too small with not enough wedges. The second produced sleeve holes large enough for a 7 year old. Let's hope this "draft" works. I got the idea from the Elann hand knit version, although mine won't look much like it. I'll post a picture when I have something to show.
It's beautiful weather-wise in Minnesota today. How we love our summer days since they are too few in number.